Cyclonic Spray Chamber Mount Sleeve (N0776004)
This kit includes: Glass Standard Cyclonic Spray Chamber (N0776052) Cyclonic Spray Chamber Mount Kit (N0770131)
规格 产品组 Replacement Part Type Standard Stainless Steel, Micropump Stainless Steel
942339020201 Single Element Lamps Uncoded -Ca Thermo Scientific 适用于 iCE 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪的空心阴极灯
为了在使用 Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3000 系列原子吸收光谱仪时获得最大的灵活性,我们提供种类齐全的预编码空心阴极灯和非编码空心阴极灯,以此帮助您对选定的元素进行分析。
石英燃烧管,Flash EA1112 Quick n Easy
用途:用于元素分析过程中的反应管。 对应仪器厂家代码: SerCon: SC0679 适用仪器: Thermo EA1112CHNSO/FLASH2000
Viton O-Ring 26.57 mm I.D., 09921062 Optima 2x00/4x00/5x00/7x00 DV/8x00
Viton® o-ring, 26.57 mm inner diameter by 3.53 mm width, used with quartz torches in Optima™ 2x00 DV, 4x00 DV, 5x00 DV,
Plastic High Sensitivity Nebulizer End Cap Assembly with Viton O-Rings N3160511 for PinAAcle
Plastic High Sensitivity Nebulizer End Cap Assembly with Viton O-Rings for PinAAcle
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PPCO 带盖窄口瓶: 可高温高压灭菌 2006-0016PK 也被称为 2006-0016 Pack of 12 500mL
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ PPCO 带盖窄口瓶: 可高温高压灭菌